Robocall Questionnaire

Please take a few moments to complete KLF's Robocall Questionnaire. After your information is reviewed, you will be contacted by a member of our staff."

Full Name*



What is the name of the business or organization that called, texted or faxed you?

Approximately how many calls, text messages or faxes have you received from this business or organization?

Please list the phone number(s), including area code, that contacted you?

What type of calls, texts or faxes did you receive?

What were the subject of the calls, texts or faxes you received?

If you received a call, did you speak with a real person?

Did you provide consent to receive the calls, texts or faxes at issue?

Were the calls, texts or faxes you received health-related or concern an emergency or other important notification, such as a school closing/delayed opening, flight information, power outage, disaster notification, road closure, healthcare/medical provider results or prescription refill?

Were the calls, texts or faxes you received a communication on behalf of a charitable, tax-exempt or non-profit organization?

Is your telephone number registered on the National Do Not Call Registry?

Do you have an established business relationship with the party that called you?

Please provide any other information you think we should know about the communications you received.