In a significant turn of events, NantHealth investors received a major victory as United States District Judge Terry J. Hatter, in an order dated July 30, 2019, granted the motion for class certification. This ruling allows all NantHealth investors meeting the class definition to collectively pursue their claims against the company.

The class certification, sought by plaintiffs represented by the Kehoe Law Firm, establishes two distinct classes – the Securities Act Class, consisting of those who purchased or acquired NantHealth common stock in or traceable to the Initial Public Offering (IPO), and the Exchange Act Class, comprising individuals or entities who purchased any NantHealth common stock between June 1, 2016, and May 1, 2017.

John A. Kehoe, Partner with the Kehoe Law Firm, and court-appointed co-lead counsel for the investors, expressed the significance of this development: “The grant of class certification is a crucial step towards achieving justice for NantHealth investors who suffered financial losses. This ruling enables them to join forces and pursue their claims collectively, streamlining the legal process and ensuring that their voices are heard.”

In response to the class certification, NantHealth has filed a petition with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the opinion. Plaintiffs, represented by the Kehoe Law Firm, have vehemently opposed this petition, defending the hard-won class certification as a fair and just representation of the collective interests of affected investors.

John Kehoe emphasized the commitment to representing the investors: “We will continue to vigorously oppose any challenges to the class certification. Our clients deserve the opportunity to seek redress collectively, and we will fight to ensure that their rights are protected throughout this legal process.” This recent development sets the stage for potential further legal proceedings and reinforces the Kehoe Law Firm’s dedication to pursuing justice on behalf of NantHealth investors.

For more information about Kehoe Law Firm and its involvement in this matter, please contact John A. Kehoe at [email protected] or call (215) 792-6676.