In a significant development for stakeholders involved in the UDF Securities case, the court issued an order on February 21, 2019, approving the settlement and determining the award of attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of litigation expenses. The decision followed the Settlement Hearing held on February 15, 2019. Key Points of the Court order include:

The court ensured due process by providing notice of the Settlement Hearing to all identifiable Settlement Class Members through approved means, including mailed notices and publications in Investor’s Business Daily and PR Newswire. 

The court approved the $10,435,725 fixed cash payment to the settlement fund and an additional contingent cash payment of $3,000,000. The contingent cash payment is dependent on certain conditions, as outlined in the settlement terms. The court also found the requested attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses to be fair and reasonable, considering the complexity of the case, the efforts invested by Lead Counsel, and the potential benefits to Settlement Class Members.

Lead Plaintiffs Louis J. D’Annibale, Paul Brown, and Plaintiff Mark Hay were awarded $2,500, $500, and $2,500, respectively, from the Settlement Fund as reimbursement for their incurred costs and expenses related to representing the Settlement Classes. 

This court order marks a pivotal moment in the UDF Securities case, providing clarity on attorneys’ fees, expenses, and plaintiff compensation. According to Partner Michael Yarnoff, “We are pleased with the settlement and the finality it brings to the UDF Securities case. This outcome underscores our commitment to achieving positive results for our clients.” 

For more information about Kehoe Law Firm and its involvement in this matter, please contact Michael Yarnoff at [email protected] or call (215) 792-6676.