Online Retailers Tackle Warehouse LLC, Running Warehouse LLC, Skate Warehouse LLC & Tennis Warehouse LLC Hacked – Customer Personal And Financial Data Information Stolen

The Office Of The Maine Attorney General’s online data breach notification portal reflects that 1,813,224 individuals, including Maine residents, were affected by an external system hacking data breach of four online sports equipment retail websites, which resulted in the acquisition of customer names or other personal identifiers in combination with financial account numbers, credit/debit card numbers (in combination with security code, access code, password or account PIN).  

The data breach occurred on October 1, 2021, and was discovered on November 29, 2021.

Please click Skate Warehouse, Running Warehouse, Tennis Warehouse or Tackle Warehouse for more information about the data breaches provided by the Office Of The Maine Attorney General.
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Wilderness Sports Warehouse, LLC, d/b/a Tackle Warehouse; Running Warehouse, LLC; Sports Warehouse, Inc., d/b/a Tennis Warehouse; & Skate Warehouse, LLC

On January 11, 2022, a class action lawsuit was filed in United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia against the aforementioned online retailers for their alleged failure to properly secure and safeguard highly-valuable, protected Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”), including, without limitation, names, addresses, credit card and debit card numbers, expiration dates, and CV codes; alleged failure to comply with industry standards to protect information systems that contain PII; and alleged failure to provide adequate and prompt notice to Plaintiff and other Class Members that their PII had been accessed and compromised.

The complaint alleges that the named Defendants knew, or should have known, the importance of safeguarding the PII entrusted to Defendants and of the foreseeable consequences if its data security systems were breached. According to the complaint, the Defendants failed, however, to take adequate cyber security measures to prevent the data breach from occurring.

Have You Been Harmed By A Data Breach?

If so, please complete the form on the right or contact Kehoe Law Firm, P.C., [email protected]for a free, no-obligation evaluation of potential legal claims. 

Examples of the type of relief sought by data privacy class actions, include, but are not limited to, reimbursement of identity theft losses and of out-of-pocket costs paid by data breach victims for protective measures such as credit monitoring services, credit reports, and credit freezes; compensation for time spent responding to the breach; imposition of credit monitoring services and identity theft insurance, paid for by the defendant company; and improvements to the defendant company’s data security systems.

Data privacy class actions are brought on a contingent-fee basis; thus, plaintiffs and the class members do not pay out-of-pocket attorney’s fees or litigation costs.  Subject to court approval, attorney’s fees and litigation costs are derived from the recovery obtained for the class.

Kehoe Law Firm, P.C.