Have you held Roblox Stock Since March 2021? Roblox Corporation Investors May Have Legal Claims Against The Company’s Officers and Directors.

Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. is investigating whether certain directors and officers of Roblox Corporation (“Roblox”) (NYSE: RBLX) breached their fiduciary duties to Roblox and its shareholders.

The investigation concerns whether members of Roblox’s board of directors or senior management failed to manage Roblox in an acceptable manner, in breach of their fiduciary duties to Roblox, and whether Roblox and its shareholders suffered damages as a result.

On February 3, 2022, The Bear Cave published a report alleging that Roblox’s online platform intended for children aged six to fourteen is “also the leading platform for pedophiles.” The report detailed various arrests and indictments of sexual offenses against underage victims as young as five years old, while “[t]he company has engaged in litigation and intimidation to help conceal allegations of pedophilia on the platform.”

Further, Roblox’s head of safety and moderation has been accused of “peculiar” social media activity, including numerous “likes” of sexualized cosplayers and the following of a “furry porn” account, and Roblox’s former social media manager allegedly ran a pornographic blog while employed by Roblox.

Roblox Investors Who Have Held RBLX Stock Shares Since March 2021

If you are a Roblox shareholder who has held Roblox stock since March 2021, please contact Kehoe Law Firm, P.C., Michael Yarnoff, Esq., (215) 792-6676, Ext. 804, [email protected], [email protected], for a free, confidential consultation and no-obligation evaluation of potential legal claims.