FTC’s Do Not Call Registration & Complaint Data – Robocalls & Unwanted Telemarketing Calls – Complaints Have Increased 
Telemarketing Calls & Telemarketing Robocalls – Some Key Findings Reported in the Federal Trade Commission’s “National Do Not Call Registry Data Book for Fiscal Year 2017”

The Do Not Call Registry contained 229,816,164 actively registered phone numbers, up from 226,001,288 at the end of FY 2016.

The number of consumer complaints about unwanted telemarketing calls increased from 5,340,234 during FY 2016 to 7,157,370 during FY 2017.

During the past fiscal year, the FTC has continued to receive many consumer complaints about telemarketing robocalls.

In FY 2017, the FTC received 4,501,967 complaints about robocalls, compared with 3,401,614 FY 2016.

For every month in the fiscal year, robocalls made up the majority of consumer complaints about Do Not Call violations.

FY 2017 Robocall Complaints by Topic

“Reducing Debt” was the topic of the call consumers most frequently identified when reporting a robocall complaint, with 771,158 complaints received in FY 2017.

Other types of robocalls consumers reported, according to the FY 2017 “National Do Not Call Registry Data Book,” concerned:

Vacation & Timeshares, 235,678 complaints

Warranties & Protection Plans, 223,119 complaints

Imposters, 179,925 complaints

Medical & Prescriptions, 116,234 complaints

Energy, Solar & Utilities, 85,142 complaints

Home Security & Alarms, 80,543 complaints

Lotteries, Prizes & Sweepstakes, 67,678 complaints

Computer & Technical Support, 51,616 complaints

Home Improvement & Cleaning, 24,796 complaints

Work From Home, 39,159 complaints


Highlights of the FTC’s Do Not Call Registry Data Book for Fiscal Year 2017

In reporting the total number of Do Not Call complaints, the FTC’s Do Not Call Registry Data Book breaks the number down to show how many complaints were about robocalls versus live callers.

-The Do Not Call Registry Data Book includes information about the topics of calls reported to the FTC that is gathered from the FTC’s online complaint form.

-The Do Not Call Registry Data Book includes a state-by-state analysis of Do Not Call complaints and uses a new, more accurate way of reporting consumers’ data. If consumers reported their state in their complaint, the Do Not Call Data Book includes their complaint in that state’s complaint data. If consumers did not report their state, the Do Not Call Registry Data Book uses their area code to determine their state. The state-by-state analysis also includes the top 10 topics of consumer complaints.

-The underlying data in the report is available at: FTC Do Not Call Databook FY2017.

Have You Received Unsolicited or Unwanted Telemarketing Calls, Autodialed Calls, Robocalls or Text Messages?

If you have received unwanted, unsolicited or harassing telemarketing calls, autodial calls, robocalls or text messages and would like to speak privately with an attorney to learn more about your potential legal rights, please complete the form to the right or contact Michael Yarnoff, Esq., (215) 792-6676, Ext. 804, [email protected]; John Kehoe, Esq., (215) 792-6676, Ext. 801, [email protected]; or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Kehoe Law Firm, P.C.

Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. is a multidisciplinary, plaintiff–side law firm dedicated to protecting investors and consumers from corporate fraud, negligence, and other wrongdoing. Driven by a strong and principled sense of social responsibility and obtaining justice for the aggrieved, Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. represents plaintiffs seeking to recover investment losses resulting from securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, corporate wrongdoing or malfeasance, those harmed by anticompetitive practices, and consumers victimized by fraud, negligence, false claims, deception, data breaches or whose rights to minimum wage and overtime compensation under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour laws have been violated.