On October 11, 2018, the FTC announced that the marketer of a scheme to make money on Amazon, and his companies, have been banned from marketing and selling business opportunities and business coaching services under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. The settlement order against Jeffrey A. Gomez (a/k/a Jeffrey Adams), Adams Consulting LLC, and Global Marketing Services L.L.C. also requires them to surrender funds and assets for consumer redress.
The FTC earlier secured a judgment against Adam Bowser, Christopher Bowser, Jody Marshall, AWS LLC, FBA Distributors LLC, FBA Stores LLC, Info Pros LLC, Info Solutions LLC, Online Auction Learning Center Inc. (Massachusetts), and Online Auction Learning Center Inc. (Nevada) related to the same fraudulent scheme.
According to the FTC, the defendants, who have no affiliation with Amazon.com, falsely claimed their “Amazing Wealth System” would enable consumers to create a profitable online business selling products on Amazon. Buyers, however, did not earn the advertised income. Most of them lost significant amounts of money, and many experienced problems with their Amazon stores, including suspension and losing their ability to sell on Amazon.com.
According to the FTC, the settlement order bans Gomez and his companies from selling business opportunities and business coaching services, and making false earnings claims. It imposes a judgment of more than $63.5 million, which will be partially suspended when Gomez surrenders approximately $2.55 million in funds and assets to the FTC. The order also prohibits Gomez and his companies from profiting from consumers’ personal information collected as part of the scheme, and requires proper disposal of that information.
The FTC encourages consumers affected by the defendants’ scheme to file a complaint to add their name to the FTC’s case and visit the FTC’s blog about this case.
Source: FTC.gov